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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Berry Traumatized

Island bound that I am, this summer I have been berry, berry deprived. Literally, without berries. The pain, the pain... Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear? The Pioneer Woman's Berry debate complete with 2 recipes and fantastic photographs followed by my berry own daughter's Blackberry Crisp recipe with photographs so good your taste buds twitch. Women can be so cruel . Not to be outdone, my mainland shopping trip to Costco provided my salvation. A 5 lb bag of mixed berries! Yes, they're frozen, but the fact that they're organic takes some of the pain away. It wasn't until after I got to my car that I realized the berries would have to survive 4 more hours in the car, a taxi ride to the ferry, the hour and a half channel crossing, and the final 1/2 mile trek to my freezer. With the survival instinct of a lioness protecting her cubs from prey, I unrelentingly searched for a grocer selling dry ice. Aahhh, Albertson's! The berries and I made it safely home and when I took the first bite of my very own batch of berry crisp, I felt vindicated at last. They can have their photographs - I still have 4 more pounds of berries!

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